Contact Senior Citizens, Inc. today.
We’re here to help.
Need more information or want to schedule a call to get started? You’ve come to the right place. Fill out the form to get started with Senior Citizens, Inc. today.
Phone: (912) 236-0363 or (866) 579-2116 (toll-free)
Email: questions@seniorcitizens-inc.org
Address: 3025 Bull Street, Savannah, Georgia 31405
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
Services & Programs
Email us at programs@seniorcitizens-inc.org to learn more or get help getting started.
Email us at volunteer@seniorcitizens-inc.org to learn more about our options.
Email us at donations@seniorcitizens-inc.org to get more information about making a donation.
Financial Assistance
Email us at billing@seniorcitizens-inc.org to pay a bill or speak to someone about a financial question.